
A Vancouver Mom, focused on cooking Local sustainable food!

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Berry Vanilla Baked French Toast.

Trying to convince a two year old to eat fiber, vitamin packed foods AND enjoy it can be a nightmare. Every day I found myself struggling to find a tasty breakfast treat that my son could enjoy while including some nutrients. Last summer it dawned on me… BERRIES.


My son loves berries. You can add them to anything and its an instant hit. So one day I added them to my vanilla baked french toast… the result? He gobbled them up and I didn’t need to add any syrup or sugar. Double Win!

So this is how I make it, first get all your ingredients together. I started this habit after consistently getting half way into a recipe to find out that I was missing a key ingredient. Yes I’m a busy mom who isn’t always the best at keeping a accurate inventory of my fridge. Anyways back to the vanilla!

You will need:

1/2 loaf of whole grain bread

6 eggs (I use local free range eggs from Lepp Farm Market – These are my favourite, but that’s a whole different post/rant)
1 cup milk (I used 2%, but whole milk would make it extra special!)

1/4 tsp dried Vanilla bean (This was my first time using it, and as soon as I opened the package, I knew it was a win)
1 tsp Vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups frozen berries of your choice (I use Hopcott farms frozen berry medley)


Getting my ingredients ready – whole grain bread, free range eggs, local frozen mixed berries and Vanilla bean powder. You will also need milk and vanilla extact, they were photo shy….

OK here we go……

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F

In a medium bowl, crack all six eggs and beat them. Add milk, vanilla extract, and dried vanilla beans.

Mix well.


Torn up bread… in a casserole dish…

Tear the bread apart and add it into a casserole (8″ X 8″) . I usually like to grease mine, but I did forget this time.. Don’t worry though, it will still tasted delicious.

Pour the liquid on top and gently toss the bread until it absorbs all the vanilla egg mixture.

Add your frozen berries to the top.


Berry Vanilla baked french toast waiting to be baked.

Bake until egg mixture has set and bread turns golden brown (approximately 30 mins).


Mmmmm baked and waiting to be eaten.

This is a yummy bake ahead breakfast that everyone can enjoy! You can use fresh berries in the summer or frozen berries when they are out of season.

And if your craving it as a dessert, drizzle it with some local honey (repressing my urge to rant about importance of bees and honey …. another day I guess) then add some whipped cream just for the drama.


Local honey go to your local apiary and buy their honey. Support your bees.

Did I mention it has Vanilla!? Mmmmm
Mine just came out of the oven, and it smells delicious…. on that note add these groceries to your list & try this breakfast!


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Great things coming!

I am super excited to start this blog! I’m going to be sharing everything; my work outs, the recipes that I cook and my rants, but I do promise to stop and smell the roses from time to time.

I’m an active mom who is passionate about fitness, food, honey bees, shopping local and exploring this city.

Follow me as I buzz through the city. I’ll be going to local farms, stores, parks… you name it!

I live in the best city in the world. It wont be hard to enjoy it.